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Fierté Multi-Academy Trust

Our Family of Schools


Curriculum Intent

At Heathfields Infant and Wilnecote Junior School our goal is to create and engaging, stimulating and empowering environment for children in order for them to become excellent Mathematicians who challenge, question and problem solve in everyday life. We aim for every child to feel empowered and knowledgeable about Maths and the different concepts surrounding the subject.


Our curriculum takes processes in Maths and segments them into easily digestible chunks in order for the child to have more understanding. We then build and extend on this knowledge to improve a child’s understanding and inquisitiveness. We plan to enable our learning to make connections between new and prior leaning and include a range of exciting and fun opportunities for retrieval to ensure long term learning. Maths lessons include a range of teacher-led and pupil-led learning, exploration of concrete pictorial and abstract representations and opportunities for challenge through fun and engaging activities. This promotes the skills of reasoning, discovery and mastery of learning.

In each lesson, we look at three main processes; concrete, pictorial and abstract. We look at using concrete materials in order to deepen, enhance and expand a child’s learning and knowledge in order for them to further progress as a mathematician. This will mean that as their learning progresses they will become more abstract and competent learners. Through the use of the White Rose scheme of learning, children are exposed to communicating mathematically, exploring relationships and generalising.


A key outcome of this is that children become keen Mathematicians who ae enthusiastic about their learning and readily accept problem-solving. Children’s number fluency and vocabulary increases due to the use of regular reasoning challenges and easy to digest knowledge. Children will be confident and enthusiastic learners who are engaged and prepared for life. They will be able to apply and develop their skills to the wider world in order for them to further develop as a person. Children understand the importance of Maths and how it is involved in everyday life. Our children develop a sound overview of Maths and how to approach problems with a critical mind through exploring and answering questions.

In Maths, we also measure impact by:

· Regular learning walks

· Assessment data

· Photo records of children’s practical work

· Regular conversations with staff

· Book trawls to assess progress and next steps.

Online Resources to support learning

Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS)

Having strong multiplication fact knowledge is imperative to a successful mathematician! This fun and interactive online game will build your child’s fluency and confidence in their understanding of multiplication and division.

Children in years 1-6 will have the opportunity to go onto this programme in school, and children are expected to access TTRS at home at least once a week at home.

Please find the link below to access TTRS.

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (


Freckle is an online tool for learning that provides differentiated maths practice that balances fun with learning. The programme continuously adapts for personalised maths practice, delivers real world scenarios and skills practice which in turn helps to increase pupil progress and proficiency in maths.

The children will have access to weekly Freckle lessons in school, where learning is set on the programme based on their current area of learning for that week.

Children will also be set one piece of homework on Freckle each week.

Please find the link below to access Freckle.

Freckle Student Dashboard


Fierte Trust Mathematics Videos on Youtube 

In order to support parents and provide them with information about how we teach calculation strategies, separate playlists have been created for each type of calculation.

Please click on the links below to access the playlists:

Place Value - Trust Mathematics Videos - YouTube

Addition - Trust Mathematics Videos - YouTube

Subtraction - Trust Mathematics Videos - YouTube

Multiplication - Trust Mathematics Videos - YouTube

Division - Trust Mathematics Videos - YouTube

Bar Models - Trust Mathematics Videos - YouTube


Long Term Plan and Scheme of Learning

Access the link below to see what your children will be learning each week. 

Maths resources for teachers | White Rose Maths


Maths at Heathfields Infant and Wilnecote Junior!





Calculation Policy

Select the files below to see how the four operations are taught throughout the year groups. 

National curriculum in England: mathematics programmes of study - GOV.UK (