Year 1
Welcome to Year 1!
Meet the teachers:
Ahlberg - Mrs Rudge
Jeffers - Mrs Baggott
Murphy - Miss Kaur
Year 1 Teaching Assistants -
Mrs Davies
Mr Beniston
Miss Wood
To find out more about all the wonderful achievements and activities in Year 1 you can follow the school on social media.
Instagram/Twitter - @HIWJStaffs
Useful information
Our PE days are: Monday and Wednesday - Please provide both an indoor and outdoor kit fully named.
EVERYDAY children will need to bring in their:
Reading book
Reading Diary
PE kit (this can stay in school)
Water Bottle (Water bottles should be taken home each day to be cleaned).
We encourage children to eat the fruit provided by school. Therefore, we ask for NO snacks to be bought into school for playtime. Thank you.
HOME LEARNING: We encourage children to read regularly. Our school policy is a minimum of 4 times per week. This includes the reading of the decodable phonics book sent home by school and wider reading that you and your child share.
P.E. Kit
Please provide your child with the following P.E. kit, as they will be taking part in some outdoor P.E. throughout the winter.- T-shirt (house colour or white only), shorts, tracksuit bottoms, sweatshirt or hooded top, trainers/pumps.
Please bring your kit to school on a Monday and it will be returned on the Friday as there may be some weeks when children may have additional games lessons. Please ensure children have their kits in school on these days and all jewellery is removed.